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News from the Moble Garden – Rainy Days

March 6, 2020
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On awaking yesterday morning, I realised that our roof is actually more of a colander than a protective layer against the elements. Having slept the sleep of angels with the rain falling throughout the night, I see that water is quite evenly dispersed through the house. The long walk down to the kitchen revealed a rushing creek, swooshing along in the early morning gloom, racing on its journey south.

I do feel slightly smug that I had mowed the lawn yesterday morning and then tossed about some fertiliser. Sometimes I get it right. Already the lawn has transformed itself, the garden looks like we have draped it in soft green velvet. Oh, the joy of rain.

So, this week, we shall give you a pictorial of Moble after rain. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

I often quoted to my beseeching children If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Looks like the horse has just arrived,

The Moble Gardener.